Secondary Schools Students’ & Youth Forum
The Secondary Schools’ Students’ & Youth Forum information session held in November was coordinated by Tom Flanagan of the Galway Community College assisted by the Galway National Park City(GNPC) initiative and the Galway Education Centre as part of the Galway...
Glór na Óganach – The Children Have Spoken!
The Kids Know What is Best for Our City! Let’s Listen & Learn from them! The benefits of a partnership and inclusive approach towards developing a future Galway city that is sustainable and integrates nature into its infrastructure was shown in late...
The Voices of the Children need to be heard
What do Children want in a future Galway city? Let’s find out! As well-meaning adults we often talk about the needs of young people, about how we have to ensure that we build a better future for the next generation to inherit. In these unsettling times of the climate...
Nature-inspired Learning takes Root at a city centre School
Even though Scoil Croí Íosa is located in the heart of the city of Galway, nevertheless it has successfully managed to introduce Nature into all aspects of its primary school curriculum, from art to maths to science. With a canal populated with birds, fishes and...