Urban Blueways & Greenways, Part 1 Seminar
The Urban Blueways & Greenways Part 1 seminar/webinar will have presentations from members of local government/state agencies of four cities-Belfast, Chicago, Chattanooga and Glasgow-who will give an overview of their urban waterways and associated greenways past and present. The aim is to provide information to Galwegians and others from all walks of life on how such urban infrastructure can be improved in order to meet the needs of city dwellers and of biodiversity.
The seminar is part of the ‘This is the World Calling Galway’ series (learning from the experiences of other cities, in Ireland and worldwide) that will be normally hosted bimonthly by the Galway National Park City initiative on topics relevant to sustainable city development such as Energy, Biodiversity, Urban Food and Sustainability in large institutions.
The meeting will be chaired by Phil James co-founder of the Galway Waterways Foundation, member of Corrib BEO, National Heritage Award winner 2022 and a champion of the Galway National Park City initiative.
Special Guest of Honour will be 87 year old Míċeál P O’Cionnaith (Michael Keaney), a man who has left such a positive mark on the city’s built and natural environment during his tenure as engineer with Galway Corporation (now Galway City Council) from 1964 until his retirement in 2001.
The event can be attended either directly at Data Science Institute(DSI) or online.
Urban Blueways & Greenways Part 1 seminar/webinar (online option)
To register and to attend in person event taking place at the Data Science Institute of the University of Galway, go to
Urban Blueways & Greenways, Part 2 seminar/webinar, Dec 14th
A Blueways/Greenways Part 2 webinar/seminar with a stronger emphasis on the greenways component will take place on December 14th with presentations from a second group of cities. These two events will be the first in a thematic series known as This is the World Calling Galway hosted bimonthly by the Galway National Park City initiative on related topics such as Energy, Biodiversity, Urban Food and Sustainability in large institutions.
Click here or on photos below to read presenter bios.