We are blessed that Galway city is a nature walker’s paradise, areas that are zones of tranquillity. 

The ‘Boreens’ of Menlo, Coolough, Castlegar, Ballindooley, Carrowbrowne and elsewhere are the gift to this generation from rural dwellers of centuries past. These country lanes, surrounded by drystone walls and hedgerows, that once were used to move cattle from field to field and to bring locals to distant church and shop, can become the Greenways of our modern city providing a network of green arteries uncluttered by built development offering places of peace and calmness to the urban traveller. 

Modern science is now confirming that the traditional wise words of an older generation to ‘stop and smell the roses’,  to ‘go take a walk in the countryside and breathe in the clean country air’, and the stories of the ‘happy gardener’ are true.  

So a number of our National Park City champions including Kevin Jennings, Liam Ferrie, Ryan Crowell, Karl Sweeney and Brendan Smith are leading a citizen science initiative to map these traditional greenways. Some of these boreens have already been mapped as part of a Galway National Park City citizen science initiative. 

Check out our Trails section.

They will be liaising with Ashling Jennings of Healthy Galway (& a champion!) and Jason Craughwell of Galway City Sports‘ Partnership who are producing a brochure on walking routes in natural settings.

However, lots more country lanes need to be mapped and volunteers are needed for this task. If you are interested, complete the form on the  Get Involved section of the website. 

For further information on the scientifically proven benefits of Walking in Nature, check out Brendan Smith’s article in the Galway Advertiser by clicking here

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