Galway Atlantaquaria, the National Aquarium of Ireland, has been involved with an extensive range of educational projects and programmes over the last 20 years. The Explorers’ Education Programme, since it launched in 2006, has been a key programme that the National Aquarium has been involved with. The Explorers programme focuses on primary level students, pre-service teachers and the teaching community, engaging them with their marine environment and ocean literacy, and is funded by the Marine Institute. The aquarium has been part of the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Discover Primary Science and Maths (DPSM) Network since 2008. The aquarium provides workshops on a variety of educational and Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) topics such as animal anatomy, science skills development, engineering and ocean literacy. We collaborate with a range of partners including the members of the Irish Ocean Literacy Network

One of the aquariums more recent educational projects is our Virtual Aquarium series, which includes six educational videos featuring our diverse species both freshwater and marine. There are questions to answer at the end of each episode to test the viewer’s knowledge, as well as educational worksheets that are available on our website for download. Take a look at ourVirtual Classroomwhich offers a range of educational modules through zoom and slides. Explore modules such as ocean connections and conservation, marine litter as well as biodiversity among many others. The aquarium also caters for secondary level students with modules on ocean literacy, ocean threats and marine litter, environmental awareness and care, animal anatomy and ecology.

For more information on education programmes on offer at Galway Atlantaquaria (the National Aquarium of Ireland), or to enjoy our virtual aquarium trailers, please visit,

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