Letizia Gorini Coady – The Youth Worker
Letizia (Leti) Gorini Coady is a youth worker for Youth Work Ireland Galway.
She has been working with young people in Galway city and county for the last ten years. Her passion is development education, that is looking at how to link local to global and help young people to become active citizens. Leti is guided by the message of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world” Leti’s current project is called SAUTI-Youth (Sustainable Accountability Uniting Tanzanian and Irish Youth), a new initiative funded by the European Commission which represents a collaboration between World Vision Ireland, Youth Work Ireland Galway and World Vision Tanzania. It aims to meaningfully engage young people in the governance process in particular in relation to climate adaptation and mitigation policies. As the decisions, which are being made now at national and local level, are going to greatly impact on young people’s future, it is critical that young people’s ideas and suggestions are taken into consideration when policies are being decided.
Youth Work Ireland Galway has the interests of young people in Galway at its core. That is
why Leti and the organisation are delighted to support the designation of Galway as a National Park City. Their hope is to work together with all stakeholders for a more sustainable city where young people’s voices are valued and heard.