Donncha Foley, Galway National Park City

Volunteering is a central part of Irish life and the lifeblood of so many communities. Our sporting, educational, artistic, cultural, environmental and social support organisations have always relied on the active participation of ordinary people of all ages in providing their time and skills free of charge to develop and maintain essential services and events.

The Galway Volunteer Centre (GVC) under the leadership of Donncha Foley has helped the people of the city, with their diverse professions, ages, backgrounds and traditions, to gel together to create a proud urban identify of caring and helping others that is recognised and applauded worldwide.

The centre helps community organisations and projects to source the volunteer skills they need whilst also providing opportunities for the staff of many workplaces and institution to become active in worthy causes.

Donncha is looking forward in the year ahead to the Centre supporting the Galway National Park City through connecting members of the public with the initiative and with groups who are working to make it become a reality. Since its foundation the GVC has assisted many environmental groups by securing volunteers for conservation, clean ups, neighbourhood gardening and community enhancement/regeneration projects

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