Cushla Dromgool-Regan, Marine Educator
Galway-based Cushla Dromgool-Regan is one of the most renowned, longest-serving, most passionate and without a doubt one of the most successful environmental educators in Ireland today.
This Kiwi lady has left an indelible imprint on classrooms, boardrooms, government offices, galleries, science museums and shops across the length and breath of Ireland. Whenever and wherever you see the iconic ‘The Real Map of Ireland’, think of Cushla as it was her goodself that led the development of a pictorial resource that changed a nation’s perception of our country’s connection to the ocean.
She is passionate about our marine environment from learning about the seashore to new discoveries in the deeper ocean. For over 14 years she was the communication officer at the Marine Institute, Ireland’s state agency for marine research and development. She was responsible for strengthening Ireland’s maritime identity, as well as increasing key people’s awareness and engagement in the value, opportunities and societal benefits of our ocean. This included working in media relations, film and photography, design and events including Galway Science and Technology Festivals to SEAFEST, as well as on national programmes involving education and outreach activities.
Cushla is now the strategic education manager and communications lead at the Camden Education Trust, where one of her key projects is managing the Explorers Education Programme which is funded by the Marine Institute. The development of the ‘Explorers Education Programme’ has been another one of her many success stories. Cushla manages seven outreach teams throughout Ireland reaching over 12,000 children and 500 teachers, introducing and inspiring the adoption of marine themes on the primary school curriculum.
She has always adopted a collective approach in developing engagement in our ocean. Her legendary energy and devotion is driven by the support she gets from a wide network of stakeholders including marine scientists and experts at the Marine Institute, the Explorers outreach teams, enthusiastic teachers, marine experts and educators from third level institutes and industry, as well as the wider community, helping to deliver unique opportunities for children to learn about our marine environment.
Growing up in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand surrounded by the ocean and now living in Galway for over 20 years, living by the sea is essential part of her life.
We are so lucky that she has agreed to be a champion for the Galway National Park City initiative encouraging us all to ensure that ‘blue’ as much as ‘green’ is part of its identity.