Crowd4Access – Mapping the Accessibility of Urban Footpaths

Crowd4Access is a Citizen Science project founded by Bianca Pereira and Venkatesh Gurram of the Insight SFI Centre for Data Analytics. It has created a partnership between citizens and professional technology researchers who come together to learn how accessible are the footpaths of Irish cities.

Everyone has challenges when navigating the footpaths of a city. The wheelchair user and the parent pushing a buggy may need access ramps, the runner may need an even surface, the user of crutches may need shorter street crossings, the person with low eyesight may need a good contrast between footpath and the street, whereas the blind may need tactile pavement. In order to secure safe easy  access of all our streets by all of our citizens, we need to learn, to map and to highlight the problems that are encountered when navigating Galway and other Irish cities.

Mapping workshops are provided free of charge to allow members of the public, schools, residents’ associations, Access4All organisations and other community groups ­to map and to share their experiences in using footpaths in Irish cities. For further details check their website.

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