Charlie Byrnes’ Bookshop is one of the best-loved and most famous independent bookshops in Ireland. Its owner Charlie Byrne is a proud Champion for the Galway National Park City initiative.
Bookshops were so important to the population at large during the COVID lockdowns and restrictions, as more and more of us turned to reading for pleasure and for upskilling ourselves in so many arts and crafts. They helped us so much during those dark times and continue to do so.
With the shop’s strong emphasis on second-hand books, Charlie Byrne has always been a strong advocate of reuse and reduction of waste.
But over the last year, he has installed a large section devoted to subjects on the Natural Environment and Sustainability.
For many years, the premise has being the launch venue for many authors’ works associated with biodiversity and Climate Change, during the Galway Science and Technology Festival of November 2019, when it hosted the Irish launch of the children’s book The Story of the Blue Planet, by the internationally acclaimed Icelandic author and environmental activist, Andri Magnason,