Professor Charles Spillane – AgriBiosciences Research Director

Professor Charles Spillane is director of NUI Galway’s largest research institute and one of Galway’s most distinguished scientists.

His research expertise is extensive and includes Plant Genetics, Plant Biosciences, and Agricultural Biotechnology.

As Director of the Ryan Institute, Professor Spillane is responsible for 91 Research Groups and 12 Research Centres/Clusters involving over 500 funded research projects.

Advancing sustainability and innovation is central to the research activities of the Ryan Institute’s Research Centres/Clusters and Research Groups. It is engaged in research and partnerships that contribute to the majority of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which need to be achieved both nationally and internationally between now and 2030.

The Institute focuses on four thematic research areas, namely (1) Marine & Coastal, (2) Energy & Climate Change, (3) Agriculture & BioEconomy, and (4) Environment & Health.


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