Brendan Mulligan, The Engineer
Brendan Mulligan is a Chartered Engineer with broad experience gained over more than 40 years. He has been actively engaged in promoting sustainable development for the past 15 years. His ambition is to see his adopted home of Galway city become a sustainable city
where people can lead happy and healthy lives, benefiting from access to nature, while
living within their fair share of the earth’s resources.
He has been a member of Engineers Ireland since he qualified as an engineer, has served
two 3-year terms as an elected member of its governing Council, is an active member of
Engineers Ireland’s West Region committee and represents it on the Galway City
Community Network (GCCN).
In September 2019 he was elected to represent GCCN on the Planning SPC of Galway City
Council. He is one of the founding members and a current trustee of the Galway
Environmental Network and is a member of An Taisce.